Wednesday 7 July 2010

A Ghost Story, by Leonardo and Hannah Victoria

It all happened last summer. Once upon a time, a group of 5 students went to summer camp in an old house by the sea.

One evening, two of the group were swimming in the sea while three of the students were writing their homework.

Suddenly, one student saw something outide the window. It was a candle moving on its own!!! She was very scared.

Then, they heard someone singing. Their faces were white and their hands were shaking.

After that, the door handle moved slowly and it creaked: "Eeeeeeaaaaaa"

Two of them were terrified and ran to bed crying. The other student was stronger and braver than them.

The boys outside heard the crying and they screamed. One of them ran into the house with no towel, and water dripping off his body.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, one of the girls heard the scream and sat up in bed suddenly. The sheet was over her head. She looked in the mirror and she thought she saw a ghost.

The brave student shouted 'Come to the living room! It's safer!'

So, the other students ran into the living room. One of them had a candle in his hand, one of them was wet and one of them was in a white sheet (like a ghost)

Then they understood there was no ghost, and all the students laughed.

They would never forget that day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leo and Hannah,
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
    Jo x
