Monday 12 July 2010

Shrek at the BFI Imax Cinema

On Monday afternoon, Leo and Hannah went to the IMAX cinema in Waterloo to see the 3D version of Shrek Four.

Jo: 'Had you already seen the other Shrek films?'

Leo: 'Yes. I have seen all the Shrek films.'

Hannah: 'No. I think I saw Shrek 1 when I was little'.

Jo: 'Can you describe Shrek Four?'

Hannah: 'It's a funny film, but with emotions'

Leo: 'The story is not simple to explain for little children. For me, the film was really nice and fun.'

Jo: 'What was the best bit?'

Hannah: 'One of the best bits was when all the ogres were hiding to try
to attack Rumpelstiltskin, who is an evil person. This is him with his witches and his "angry wig"!'

Leo: 'For me, all the bits were good. One of the best bits for me was when the fat cat came down the pole very slowly and spoke to Shrek for the first time

Jo: 'What was the funniest bit?'

Leo: 'When the fat cat put his boots on and they broke!'

Hannah: 'For me, the funniest bit was when the Pied Piper came with his flute and all the ogres started to dance but Donkey and the cat (Puss in Boots) came in a little car and saved Shrek and Fiona.'

Jo: 'Tell me about some of the new characters'

Leo: 'The new Fiona is really strong and she is a warrior'

Hannah: 'Fiona is doing everything for herself
and the other ogres. She is independent and she is the leader of the ogres.'

Leo: 'Rumpelstiltskin is clever and gives Shrek a bad contract. He has a giant meat-eating duck and the witches help him.'

Hannah: 'When Donkey doesn't know that Shrek is his friend, he is clever, because he makes an origami shape with the contract and shows Shrek the important information, that is, Fiona is only an ogre and Shrek must kiss her to destroy the contract'

This is a picture of Donkey, the Dragon and their babies - donkeys with dragon wings and tails!

This is a picture of Leonardo! Only joking...

It is Puss in Boots doing his cute face!

This is Gingerbread Man! The baker puts sugar trousers on him at the birthday party. When Shrek roars, the trousers fall down!

These are the Shrek's babies, Fergus, Fargle and Felicia. Felicia has an ogre doll.

This is Pinocchio. He paints his father's face green and says 'This is Shrek' and then his nose grows and touches Rumpelstiltskin's face, because he is lying'.

Jo: 'Leo, which Shrek film was the best?'

Leo: 'The first, because Shrek was a real ogre and smelled really bad'

Sunday 11 July 2010

Macbeth at the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park

On Friday morning, Leo and Hannah learned about Macbeth and made comic strips.

On Friday afternoon, they went with Ellie and Jo to Regent's Park Open Air Theatre to see a production for children aged six and over.

Jo: 'How would you describe the play?'

Leo and Hannah: 'It's about a man who is a soldier. One day, three witches come to him and say 'You will be King of Scotland'. Then he kills the King and lot of other people, including his best friend Banquo. In the end, Macduff kills Macbeth. The play is very bloody and dramatic.'

Jo: 'Who was / who were the best character/s?'

Leo: 'The three witches, because they were stupid and scary!'

Jo: 'What was the best bit?'

Hannah: 'I liked it when we sang the song at the end'

Leo: 'I liked it when they threw the dolls' heads over the scenery into the pond of blood'

Jo: 'What was the funniest bit?'

Hannah: 'I think it was funny when the lady in the glasses came out of the pond at the end for the bows, because someone pushed her into the pond in the fight'.

Jo: 'Did you like the set? Can you describe it?'

Hannah: 'It was annoying because it was
really simple, but it was good when they sprayed people's names and characters'

Leo: 'The set was really nice, and I liked it when they sprayed blood on it'

Double double, toil and trouble!
Fire burn and cauldron bubble!

Saturday 10 July 2010

The Changing of the Guard and Greenwich

Jo: 'Where did you go and what did you see on Thursday morning?'

We went to Covent Garden and walked through Trafalgar Square and St James' Park. We also saw Downing Street, which is famous because the Prime Minister lives there. Then we walked to Buckingham Palace where we saw The Changing of The Guard.

In this photo, we are standing next to a guard from Buckingham Palace.

The Changing of The Guard

Jo: 'Where did you go on Thursday afternoon? How did you travel there? What did you see and do? Why is Greenwich an important place?

We went to Greenwich by boat. Greenwich is a important place because , there is the meridian line.
First we went into Discover Greenwich, where we put on sailors' hats.

In the photo on the left, Ellie is a sick sea man and lio is the crazy Dr.
In the photo on the right, Hannah is wearing armour.
In the top two photos, we are all wearing sailors' hats.

Then we went to Greenwich Park and we climbed the hill to the Royal Observatory, where we stood on the Meridian Line.

The Meridian Line is in the middle of the world, dividing the East and the West sides.

In this photo, we are standing on the line.

In this photo, we are standing in front of the river Thames

Then we returned by boat. We were very tired!

Dr Johnson's House

Friday, 2 July 2010

Dr Johnson's House and St Paul's Cathedral

Yesterday, we went to Dr. Johnson'sHouse.

Before we went in the house we saw Hodge, Dr. Johnson's cat, who ate oysters.

Dr.Johnson lived from 1709 to 1784 and he wrote a a very big and important dictionary.

Dr . Johnson's servant Frank came from Jamaica when he was 10 years old, just like us.
Dr.Johnson helped him. When he died, he gave all his money to Frank.

In this picture, we are wearing clothes like in the 18th century.

Interesting facts
The door is 250 years old
The house was bombed in the 2nd World War
There was a special lock on the door because people threw children threw the windows to open the door from inside!
We saw three chairs that Johnson sat on
People put powder on their wigs to kill the mice living in them!

After Dr. Johnson's House, we saw St Paul's Cathedral. In this picture, we are standing in front of a statue of Queen Anne.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

A Ghost Story, by Leonardo and Hannah Victoria

It all happened last summer. Once upon a time, a group of 5 students went to summer camp in an old house by the sea.

One evening, two of the group were swimming in the sea while three of the students were writing their homework.

Suddenly, one student saw something outide the window. It was a candle moving on its own!!! She was very scared.

Then, they heard someone singing. Their faces were white and their hands were shaking.

After that, the door handle moved slowly and it creaked: "Eeeeeeaaaaaa"

Two of them were terrified and ran to bed crying. The other student was stronger and braver than them.

The boys outside heard the crying and they screamed. One of them ran into the house with no towel, and water dripping off his body.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, one of the girls heard the scream and sat up in bed suddenly. The sheet was over her head. She looked in the mirror and she thought she saw a ghost.

The brave student shouted 'Come to the living room! It's safer!'

So, the other students ran into the living room. One of them had a candle in his hand, one of them was wet and one of them was in a white sheet (like a ghost)

Then they understood there was no ghost, and all the students laughed.

They would never forget that day!

Tuesday 6 July 2010

London Zoo!

Yesterday we went to London Zoo and we saw a lot of animals.


''I can't decide what my favourite animal was, because all the animals were different and nice.''


"My favourite animals were the sloths, but all the animals were nice.''


''What did you do and what did you learn?''


'' In the Bugs' House we learned about millipedes and cockroaches. It was really interesting.

In the rainforest, I saw my favourite animals, the sloths. Then, two little monkeys came out of the enclosure and ran around.


''At Animals in Action I learned that parrots are really clever, they can liveto 80 years old and I also learned that a skunk only stinks when he is angry.

In this picture, a boy is smelling a skunk's bottom!!!

In the butterfly house, I learned that a big butterfly lives only 7 days and after two weeks, the butterfly comes outside from the cocoon.

This butterfly was very big and completely still

At the bouncy castle, Leonardo and I jumped and it was really nice and cool.

Here you can see Leonardo and me jumping in the bouncy castle.

At about 12:00 we had lunch and Leo and I played with fountains. We put our feet on one fountain and when we took our feet offf, the water came out suddenly, really high.''

In the Bug House, there were also jellyfish!

This is a picture of the monkeys who came out of the enclosure.