On Friday afternoon, they went with Ellie and Jo to Regent's Park Open Air Theatre to see a production for children aged six and over.
Jo: 'How would you describe the play?'
Leo and Hannah: 'It's about a man who is a soldier. One day, three witches come to him and say 'You will be King of Scotland'. Then he kills the King and lot of other people, including his best friend Banquo. In the end, Macduff kills Macbeth. The play is very bloody and dramatic.'
Jo: 'Who was / who were the best character/s?'
Leo: 'The three witches, because they were stupid and scary!'
Jo: 'What was the best bit?'
Hannah: 'I liked it when we sang the song at the end'
Leo: 'I liked it when they threw the dolls' heads over the scenery into the pond of blood'
Jo: 'What was the funniest bit?'
Hannah: 'I think it was funny when the lady in the glasses came out of the pond at the end for the bows, because someone pushed her into the pond in the fight'.
Jo: 'Did you like the set? Can you describe it?'
Hannah: 'It was annoying because it was
really simple, but it was good when they sprayed people's names and characters'
Leo: 'The set was really nice, and I liked it when they sprayed blood on it'

Double double, toil and trouble!
Fire burn and cauldron bubble!
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